The message read ‘All plots are bearing up in storm. Just a
couple of bits of damage.’
Great, as I was out of the country, it was nice to know the
there was little damage.
However, an hour later ‘One polytunnel blown off frame and
one of small greenhouses is damaged. Trying to see if we can fix or secure it.’
Not so good news but still manageable.
Then I received the photo from my plot neighbour of my
greenhouse lying flattened. I rang the Site Manager who said, ‘It was ok when
we left, I’ll check tomorrow and secure it.’
Three days later I returned to the wreckage and stood with
Brian our Site Manager. wondering what to do.
‘I don’t think you’ll be able to put that back together,’ he
‘I doubt if the Repair Shop would do it on TV,’ I joked.
‘You could put some emotion into it and claim it was an
‘An heirloom from B&Q?’ I replied with a chuckle.

They say, ‘once bitten, twice shy’ and having had two
previous disasters with polytunnels versus the wind they were never going to be
an option again. The problem is my plot sits on top of a steep bank and a
strong gale in the wrong direction can cause havoc.

Brian offered to help and without any plan we went in search
of what timbers we had. The Farm also gave us some of their spare old timbers
and these pieces of 4x4 help establish a new base, which had to be of a size to
replicate the dimensions of the old greenhouse. After all it would be stupid to
build a frame, panel it and then find the roof did not fit. The new greenhouse
also was going to reuse the old door.

Brian kept popping along and supervised me and helping fix
the frame. He likes to saw and hammer things in and it was a two-man job.
The frame soon was up and even the door fitted perfectly.
The apex end pieces to support the roof had to be bespoke
and match each other and the acid test was to put the roof on and ‘top out’. It
is a fantastic feeling when the final piece of the jigsaw fits like a glove and
you are only left with the tidying up, painting and inside flooring.
Blow as you might, you’ll not blow this greenhouse down……